S-Modular is a semi modular synthesizer for your iPad.
S-Modular has been designed to have everything on one screen to make patching quick and easy. Drag from one jack port to another to make a connection, tap a plugged port to change the wires color instantly.
S-Modular has a unique and vintage sound quality, reminiscent of synthesizers from the 70s, warm and rich in character.
– Audiobus 3
– IAA (Inter-App Audio)
– 2x oscillators
– 24db/oct ladder filter
– Resonant hi low-pass filter
– 2x LFO
– 4 step cv sequencer
– 4 track Mixer
– Audio and cv spliter
– 2x AHR envelope generators
– Delay
"An affordable, patchable synth for iPad."
– Fact Magazine factmag.com/2017/10/23/s-modular-ipad-app/
Outputs sawtooth, square, triangle, sine and pink noise
Controls for octave, semitone and cent are avalable.
This oscillator must have a cv (control voltage) input.

Low pass filter
Resonent lowpass filter. Can take a cv to contol cutoff. This filter has a growling quality to it.

Highpass / lowpass
A resonent high and low pass filter. Can take two CVs to contol cutoff

This Low frequency oscillator is similar to the those found on MS-20s.
Controls for rate, adjustable slope/pulsewidth, tempo sync, one shot or free and fade in.

This is a four-step sequencer which outputs cv signals. You can trigger individual steps or have them run in sequence via the clock.

This creates an ahr envelope. It is triggered via the sequencer.

Standard mixer can output audio from channel 1 and 2 or 3 and 4 or 1 to 4.

Splitter / Amp
This module lets you split a single signal in to two. The ampletude of the signal can be changed with the knob and/or a cv signal
It is important to note that the top block deals with audio signals whilst the bottom block deals with CV signals